El wetback mojado Por Javier Villarreal


Klamp, klamp, klamp,

zap, zap, zap.

Angus! Angus!


Over here!

We’ve got ourselves another wetback.

Oh shit! You mean another corpse!

Oh, Bob, what kills me – is the goddamned paperwork.

There is his wallet. Take it! Take it!

His name is Jo-a-queen.

Jo-a-queen! What kind of a name is that?

Where is he from?

Wait a minute. I think I’ve got it.

He’s from Porosi, Putosi, Patosi, or something like that.

Oh shit! Rain again. So much for my new Stetson. Let’s get out of here.

Let someone else claim this guy, and ...hurry...hurry.

Ssssst, ssst, sst.

¡Cállate, güey, que te van a oír!

¡A mí, ni madres!

Cuida’o con el niño...que no haga ruido.

¡Ya l’hicimos! ¡Ya l’hicimos, güey!

Lluvia, agua bendita.